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        Dear Friends,


        Japan seems to be entering on a new phase.


        Nuke0_RE100 Global Conference was held on March 11 to commemorate theFukushima nuclear disaster.


        It has given birth to epoch-making results. Suffice it to say that 5 formerPrime Ministers (Koizumi, Hosokawa, Hatoyama, Kan, Murayama)jointly pleaded for abolishing nuclear reactors in Japan.


        The law of history that does not allow immorality to last indefinitely has thus started to surface.


        The Tokyo Olympic Games likewise could not escape from cancellation.


        The Mito District Court ordered on March 18 the suspension of the Tokai No.2 nuclear power plant, located northeast of Tokyo, citing a lack ofevacuation plans despite persisting safety concerns over nuclear power generation 10 years after

        the Fukushima Daiichi accident.

        The Japanese civil society rejoiced at the judgement announced by a female judge, Eiko Maeda.


        It was also by Ms. Michiko Hara of the Maebashi District Court who obliged the Government and Tepco to compensate the victims in the class action in 2017. The role of women is thus increasingly important in Japan.


        The Mito District Court’s ruling became the second case to order the suspension of a nuclear reactor in Japan after

        the Fukushima crisis,following a 2014 Fukui District Court decision to halt operations of the Nos. 3 to 4 units of

        the Oi nuclear plant.


        The law of history has clearly surfaced, bringing about results long awaited by civil society.


        We are surprised by the increasing number of indictments against politicians including former Ministers.


        Under such circumstances, we would do well to give a new meaning to the UN Ethics Summit. It could offer the possibility of recalling the lesson of Fukushima, namely the elimination of more than 440 existing nuclear reactors that constitute a most pressing security issue, no less dangerous and real than other international conflicts.


        The whole Japan is shocked by the approaching 4 th wave of Covid-19 coronavirus with increasing infections due to variants. Civil society

        continues to suspect the sinful influence of

        the Tokyo Olympic Games preventing the absolutely necessary PCR tests from drastically increasing.


        The Olympic Torch Relay that started on March 25 is to last until July 23.

        Civil society believes that it is impossible to accomplish, under current circumstances, the task of inflaming the Olympic ardor without increasing coronavirus infections.


        It is widely pointed out that one of the reasons why the state of emergency was lifted on March 21, despite the fact that infections are on the rise again, is that the torch relay was slated to start four days later.


        We would do well to recall President Biden’s reported remark made last February that science will decide the American attitude toward the Tokyo Olympic Games.

        It clearly implies the criticism of the Olympic commercialism.


        Mitsuhei Murata

        Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland



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