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        The corona virus is currently spreading around the world and many cities have contracted the disease. The world is a small village and with easy access to transportation, air travel, courier, tourism, etc., the disease has spread to a large extent and today the disease has emerged as big devil

        The number of infected patients in India has reached over Thirty million.

        Four hundred thousand people died because of covid 19 in india.

        Since the pandemic began last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has been aggressively promoting Ayurveda—a traditional system of medicine with deep links to Hinduism and still widely practiced by hundreds of millions of Indians.

        Ayurveda :

        Ayurveda uses plant-derived products to treat the mind and body, and is included in India’s official covid -19 management protocol as a prevention and cure for the pandemic.

        Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India.

        It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems.

        Those who practice Ayurveda believe every person is made of five basic elements found in the universe:

        space, air, fire, water, and earth.

        These combine in the human body to form three life forces or energies, called doshas.

        They control how our body works. They are

        Vata dosha (space and air)

        Pitta dosha (fire and water)


        Kapha dosha (water and earth).

        Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas. But one is usually stronger than the others. Each one controls a different body function. It’s believed that our chances of getting sick — and the health issues we develop — are linked to the balance of our doshas.



        Vata Dosha

        This is the most powerful of all three doshas. It controls very basic body functions, like how cells divide. It also controls our mind, breathing flow, heart function, and ability to get rid of waste through our intestines . Things that can disrupt it include eating again too soon after a meal, fear, grief and staying up too late.

        Pitta Dosha

        This energy controls our digestion, metabolism and certain hormones that are linked to our appetite.

        Things that can disrupt it are eating sour or spicy foods and spending too much time in the sun.

        Kapha Dosha

        This life force controls muscle growth, body strength and stability, weight and our immune system.

        one can disrupt it by sleeping during the day, eating too many sweet foods, and eating or drinking things that contain too much salt or water.

        It is our main life energy.



        Ayurveda guarantees reduction in stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, massages, and herbal treatments allow the body to calm down, detoxify, and rejuvenate.

        As during this pandemic we can see that many people were losing their lives and were not able to sustain during this pandemic. In such case Ayurveda plays a very important role in helping people have better immunity power so that people can sustain during this pandemic. In the wake of current spike in COVID-19 cases, enhancing the body’s natural defence system (immunity) is important in maintaining optimum health. The Ministry of Ayurveda known as Ministry of Ayush in India recommended the self-care guidelines for improving immunity.




        Those are,

        1. Drink lukewarm water frequently.
        2. Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander), Saunth (Dry ginger) and Lahsun (Garlic) are recommended in cooking.
        3. Consumption of fresh Amla fruit (Indian gooseberry) or Amla products.
        4. Gargling with warm water added with a pinch of turmeric and salt.
        5. Drink Golden Milk- Half teaspoon Haldi (turmeric) powder in 150 ml hot milk – once or twice a day.


        1. Take Ashwagandha tablet twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.


        Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in ayurveda a form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing. it has been used for over 3000 years to relieve stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration.


        1. Drink herbal tea made from 3 gm powder comprising Tulasi (Basil)-4 part, Dalchini (Cinnamon)-2 part, Shunthi (Dry Ginger)-2 Kalimirch (Black pepper)-1 part, mixed in 150ml hot boiled water once or twice a day.


        1. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes.


        Immunity is essentially the difference between someone who is an asymptomatic covid carrier and someone who ends up in the ICU. Hence modulating immunity is key in these times. There are numerous supplements that modulate the immune system these include Vitamins such as Vitamin C and D, Amino Acids and Minerals such as zinc.

        There are also numerous herbs that modulate immunity and these include Giloy, Turmeric, and Basil.


        Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora Cordifolia . The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it . In Ayurveda, Giloy is considered one of the best medicine to treat various fevers and other conditions. Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants Giloy helps remove toxins, purifies blood, fights bacteria that causes diseases and is also found useful in treating infertility.

        Giloy is very beneficial in improving digestion.

        Giloy is one of the three Amrit plants. Amrit means the ‘root of immortality.

        Ayurveda has an in-depth analysis of the diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and their infections and their treatment. Many doctors also say that the basics of microbiology are in the branch of Ayurveda. Consideration of the mind is another distinction of Ayurveda and yoga.


        Several measures for mental health are described, including pranayama and meditation. Pranayama is known to improve lung function. Meditation is found to reduce inflammation markers and influence markers of virus-specific immune response. Yoga including meditation could be a simple and useful home-based practice for the prevention of Covid-19.


        Yoga has been used for centuries in keeping the body functioning fit and fine, holistically. However, the benefits of yoga are not just limited to stress relief and mental wellness.


        If practised properly, yoga can recharge our body, get rid of the toxins, negative energy and keeps our vital organs functioning well. It can help to build resilience both inside and out. Certain yoga positions can help support, balance and boost the immune system. It can also help fight oxidative stress which poses a risk to the healthy cells. yoga reduces stress systemically in the body, which in turn, cuts down inflammation and degeneration.


        One of the basic yoga exercise is Pranayama.


        Pranayama means control of Breath.


        “Prana” is Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force, and “ayama” means control.

        So Pranayama is Control of Breath.

        pranayama promotes deep breathing, which alleviates stress hormone, smoothen the heart rate and any nervous distress, all of which benefit immunity.


        How to perform Pranayama


        We can Start by sitting in a comfortable position, legs crossed or kneeling on the ground.

        -With shoulders over the hips and head elevated over the shoulders, extend body, a little.

        -Now, inhale a deep breath which stretches to the spine and then slowly exhale.

        -Stay in this position for at least 10 breaths.


        I want to give an example of my wife.


        My wife was suffering from corona. We had no knowledge from where did she got corona. She was having moderate fever as well as chest congestion.


        She was quarantined and was taking prescribed medicines also. But along with those medicines she was continuously focusing on Ayurveda practices such as drinking herbal tea, turmeric milk, coconut water and doing Pranayama.


        She was doing pranayama 20 minutes two times a day.


        She recovered in approximately 9 days and due to these practices her immunity also improved.

        So, in the conclusion I can say that Ayurveda and yoga is the best practice to increase once immunity.







                       Ayurvedic Interpretation of Prostate Cancer

        According to Ayurveda prostate cancer is a result of the vitiation of the three doshas –

        vata(air and space),

        pitta(earth and water)


        kapha(fire and water).

        Prostate cancer is a reflection of the physical, emotional and spiritual relationship that a man has had with his reproductive functions and consequently his whole body.

        Ayurveda explains that prostate problem could be a result of improper lifestyle such as


        • Not drinking enough water
        • Improper fasting
        • Too much use of coffee and alcohol
        • Excessive use of bitter and pungent food


        Improving the Digestive System

        Ayurveda prescribes a healthy digestive system as a remedy to heal all the tissues of the body.

        Ayurvedic Medication

        Ayurvedic medications have proved to be extremely effective remedies in prostate cancer. Ayurvedic medication has the additional benefit that it can be taken along with both radiotherapy and chemotherapy and will help to reduce their side effects.


        There are three type of Ayurveda herbs useful for Prostrate Cancer


        Haldi (Turmeric): Haldi is extremely beneficial for the prostate as it helps clear away amavisha (a more toxic form of ama) and balances Ranjaka pitta (a type of pitta most prevalent in the liver), thus purifying the blood and urine.

        Methi (Fenugreek): Methi reduces enlargement in the prostate, which is the leading issue that occurs due to an unhealthy prostate.

        Jeera (cumin), Saunf (fennel), and Pudina (mint):
         These spices help balance the vata and regulate bowel movements and urination through their anti-flatulent and diuretic properties. One can brew a herbal tea using these spices or add them to their dishes and salads.
























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